Thursday, October 27, 2011

2 Months...

Guess who had their 2 month shots today and didn't like them?

This little pumpkin. I don't blame her. Have you seen the size of those needles?!  They're like 3 inches long...for a baby! 

Here's our little trouper!


Weight- 13 lbs 13 1/2 oz (97%)  Yup...that's right.  The doc said that that's a normal weight for a 4 or 5 month old.  I guess we should stop slipping her ice cream.  ;)
Height- 23 1/2 (90%)
Head Circumference- Officially off the charts.  I immediately thought, I've known that since Delivering her!

My favorite development this month is how she interacts with us.  She will start cooing, wait for you to respond and coo back, play on the floor more and smile and coo when you come home or when she wakes up (that's my favorite!).  She still has a little colic in the evening, but she slept through the night for the first time two nights ago.  Let's hope it wasn't just due to a growth spurt and becomes a habit.  She's getting stronger by the day and tried to roll over in the sink during her bath.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Aunt Who?!

Thought I’d share a funny little story about my favorite little 2 year old that turned 3 last week.
This is Andrew.  Aka, the Drewski.
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Every one of my nieces and nephews knows me as “Aunt Mimi” in our family.  It started out with my 1st nephew, Josh, not being able to say Miranda when he was a baby…and that’s what he came up with.  What a trendsetter, that Joshy.
Anyways, one night shortly after we moved back from China I came in from the rain with my hood on.  Mom and Dad said, “look who’s here, Andrew!”  Andrew looked up and yelled out “JESUS!” as he ran over to me. 
At the time we figured it was probably the long hair sticking out of my hood and the fact that I was kind of backlit when I came in.
However, it didn’t stop there.  My parents have each couple’s wedding picture on the wall going down our staircase.  So, it’s tradition for Andrew to name the people in the pictures every time he comes down the stairs…. “Nathan, Jen, Jon, Kim, Daddy, Mommy, Jordan and….Jesus.”
I guess if I’m going to be mistaken as a man, Jesus is a pretty good one to be mistaken for.  :)

Happy Birthday, Drewski.
xoxo, Aunt Mimi

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Six Weeks…

It’s been six weeks since this little one was born and I can’t believe it.

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(Babycake’s 1st Piggy Back Ride and rocking with mommy…sorry about the quality, they’re from my phone)

As you know, I’ve been pretty sad about her growing out of her tiny newborn self…but she’s starting to interact and do all of these new tricks that make her even more fun!  Lately she’s been smiling for us a lot.  She seems to recognize when Jordan and I are near and loves to smile and kick her arms and legs when we play with her. I like how she used to have to go through a million different facial expressions to find her smile muscles…but now she can go straight to the smiles!

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In the last two weeks, she’s also been sleeping a little longer at night, thanks to swaddling.  I wouldn’t call it a schedule just yet, but she’s been consistently sleeping at least 4 hours at a time at night, which makes me SO happy. :)  We’re shooting for 10 next month.  Just kidding.  OK, not really.That would be heavenly.  She’s a very happy baby all day until evening time when she gets a little colicky...but we ordered a swing and hopefully that will alleviate the need for the constant movement that makes her tummy feel better.  She’s a talker and is starting to coo and discover her vocal chords.  My favorite is when she does her little girly snores when she sleeps.

And as for me, I’m feeling pretty good considering how much I tore.  But, what’s more exciting is that I can now start an exercise schedule.  I gained a reasonable amount of weight with this pregnancy (28 lbs) but for some reason after I came home from the hospital I was only 3 lbs less than when I went in!  What. the. heck. How does that work with an almost 9 pound kid and “the biggest placenta” my doc’s ever seen?!? TMI.  I guess some people have an allergic reaction to epidurals and swell up like a balloon…and I was one of those lucky people.  Anywho, now I have 10 more to go. So, today I decided to celebrate the beginning of the end of fun eating with a side by side taste test of all 6 of the Private Selection ice cream flavors in my freezer (thanks, Sierra!). Don’t judge.  If you have not tried this ice cream from Smith’s, you have not lived. And the verdict is…

I couldn’t decide.  But I might just have more to lose by tomorrow.  Whoops. ;)


Fall is my favorite season…The colors…scarves and boots that don’t have to be practical quite yet…the crisp-but not cold air…escaping the heat…getting to get all of your wiggles out in the outdoors before a long winter.

Now, look at this…

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Yes, that’s Snow. Hard to see, but the next morning it was everywhere. It started the first week of October. 

It’s official.  We got a two week fall.  I guess I’m going to have to fake it inside with the furnace on and an apple-cinnamon air freshener.  Dang it.

Monday, October 10, 2011


We got to go to H-town last week for the babycakes to meet J’s family.  H-Town is always a fun place and this time it felt even better, as a good “get OUT of Vernal” trip was needed.  Don’t get me wrong, I love this place…but every once in a while it’s nice to ride in the car for more than 5 minutes and have some options besides Wal-Mart.  While we were there we got to enjoy conference (wasn’t it wonderful?), introduce the babycakes to lots of family and friends, have a fun naked-baby shoot thanks to my cous, Susie, of Adelaide Photography, and do a little shopping (yessss). Unfortunately, I only got a few pics on my phone of the rest of the trip…but here they are!

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(The Hastings’ side will have 3 new babies within 6 months of each other…and little Ann loved giving her cousin sweet kisses that were too fast to catch)

My brother, Jon, and his family even came for a quick visit so they could meet Amelia-Jayne.  I was so happy to see them! (My two nieces finally have a girl cousin on the Arnold side now!)  Thanks for coming!

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