Monday, September 19, 2011

First Weeks for the Babycakes…

It’s hard to believe we’ve already had this little angel around for a THREE whole weeks.  I remember distinctly feeling in the hospital that my joy was completely full, and besides just being shortchanged on sleep, that hasn’t changed a bit!  Life has been good.  I’m worse for wear than before, but it’s all so worth it.  After getting out of the hospital, we’ve mostly been lying low, enjoying J Daddy’s rare days off, learning a few good lessons in parenting and getting to know our sweet babycakes. Since blogging has been even less of a forte for me in the last few weeks, and because the important stuff is in my journal, here are a TON of pictures of our sweet bundle to help us remember her as our tiny little newborn!

First moments and getting to know each other at Uintah Basin Medical Center…

Amelia-Jayne's Birthday! 006 Amelia-Jayne2 004  

 Amelia-Jayne G G2 008Amelia-Jayne2 006Amelia-Jayne3 002

Amelia-Jayne G G2 020Amelia-Jayne G G2 010Amelia-Jayne G G2 025

 Amelia-Jayne3 026 Amelia-Jayne on G&G's camera 072 Amelia-Jayne on G&G's camera 090

Amelia-Jayne on G&G's camera 093Amelia-Jayne3 018Amelia-Jayne3 030

Happy to be Home!

Amelia-Jayne G G2 040Amelia-Jayne G G2 032Amelia-Jayne G G2 035

Amelia-Jayne has been a healthy, happy little girl except for an uncertain time when the Little Miss had to keep returning to the hospital for billyruben (jaundice) checks and weigh ins.  She came out big, but when we had some issues breastfeeding, she dropped almost 20% of her weight.  It was scary and frustrating, but since then we’ve started her on the bottle and our little gal has been steadily gaining more than enough and is now equipped with plenty of cute chub.  She got a 9/9 on her Apgar test and a “perfect” review from her pediatrician both at birth and at her two week check up. Her doctor also always exclaims how “toned” she is.  That’s our buff little girl!  She came out lifting her head up from day one and can strong arm almost anything and anyone.  She loves tummy-time, her hands,smiling in her sleep (and just this last week-when she’s awake), having toga parties, staying awake to take the world in and falling asleep on mommy or daddy’s chests.

Amelia-Jayne G G2 070Amelia-Jayne on G G's camera 3 008Amelia-Jayne on G G's camera 3 004Amelia-Jayne on G G's camera 3 009

Love all of her little sleeping poses…

Amelia-Jayne G G2 080Amelia-Jayne G G 4 027

   Amelia Jayne 4 007 Amelia-Jayne G G 4 001 Amelia-Jayne 5 001 Amelia-Jayne 5 003 Amelia-Jayne 7 043Amelia-Jayne 7 042

She lets Mommy and Daddy (and Nani) play/bother her.  A whole lot… :)

 Amelia-Jayne G G 4 025Amelia-Jayne G G 4 017 Amelia-Jayne G G 4 026 Amelia-Jayne 5 041Amelia-Jayne G G 5 050

    Amelia-Jayne 7 010 Amelia-Jayne 7 019 - CopyAmelia-Jayne 7 017 - Copy

Babycakes and I on my 24th B-day! 

    MJ'S Birthday 2011 025 MJ'S Birthday 2011 028

We have loved every minute of this girl so far.  She really brings a heavenly spirit to our home as our first little “Bethlehem.”  I cry when I think of her growing up and not being my little newborn anymore, but she’ll still be a newborn for a while so I’m going to go enjoy it!



  1. What fun pics! Those are so fun to see. She just gets cuter and cuter.
