Thursday, January 12, 2012

3 & 4 Months!

The holidays were way too fun to stay caught up on blogging, so here are some pics of how much the little miss has grown these last couple of months…

3 Months

Amelia's 3 month 018

Amelia's 3 month 023

4 Months

4 month 006  4 month 011


Weight: 18.5 lbs (96%)

Height: 27” (99%)

We always get comments on how chunky she is…I love that she’s chunky and might need a bra any day now…but today I learned that based on her weight to height ratio, she’s only the 68th chunker out of 100 babies her age.  What the heck?!  I say bring on solids. ;) 

Head: still off the charts.

….Staring down at my favorite boots that inspire her borderline heinously bright outfits….

  4 month 012

The Babycakes has really grown into herself, personality wise.  She really is quite funny and I have a feeling she will be my little firecracker.  It’s just a hunch now, but when she laughs at me when I tell her “you have to go to sleep now” or smiles at me when she has a blow-out or spits up on both of us after just getting ready for the day…I think it’s a pretty good hunch.  :)  Amelia is a really well-tempered baby, loves to smile at strangers, will endure a long shopping trip with Nani and Mommy as long as she can look at the pretty things too, and has connected her will power to her fingers (ooh…I can get that!  oooh….hair!!!).  She will however, let out a high pitched and very loud scream if she accidentally bit a finger from chewing on it or mommy and daddy couldn’t get the bottle fast enough….emergency.  But that’s pretty much it.  She loves to be around people and still has moments where she will stare at a blank wall or a completely non-stimulating area of the room and interact with it.  I personally think she’s just being visited by loved ones I can’t see.  I’m a believer!

Some big changes happened this last week as she moved out of our bedroom and into the nursery (she did great!  I think she thinks it’s her throne) and she JUST started sitting up on her own!  Daddy and I both think she’s too smart for her little pants and are loving her sweet and spunky little personality in our lives.

4 month 007


  1. AHHH she is SO CUTE! She's currently my favorite baby under a year old to watch grow up. Tell her she has a fan. Miss you so guys much!

  2. She's such a cutie! And it's fun to learn more about her personality. We need to spend more time together so I can get to know her personally (and see a real live smile). Maybe Isaiah could learn from her how to gain weight and she could learn from him all the joys of solid food!
