Thursday, June 9, 2011

Life is Cherry

This last week I got to go see J in Price, UT.  He’s out there training right now for his new job.  He’s working for Pason, a company that supplies and manages all of the computer systems, sensors and alerts for oil rigs.  Jordan seems to really like it and we’re so thankful that after deciding to come home from China, everything is working out well.  We are grateful the Lord has truly been watching out for our little growing family.

So, after not seeing J for another month, we were excited to spend this week together!  I also got to see his new truck, which I must say…he looks pretty spicey in. :)  It’s been fun to go on dates with the hubs and check out what such a tiny town has to offer…we even got into the infamous archeology and paleontology museum for fee, which is always nice.


Now we’re in Hurricane, enjoying family and taking care of some business.  Part of this morning’s business was all about unloading one of J’s houses of these beauties.


 IMG_0491  IMG_0501

There are two trees there.  One has dark red bing ones and the other has some sort of yellowy-pinkish ones.  Not sure what those are called, but they are all sooooo sweet…


J got the high ones, and I got the low ones.  And I’m pretty sure we had at least 1/2 a bucket each while we were picking.


**Note to self…do not pick cherries in a white shirt, especially when your belly is protruding…it will be sacrificed to lovely red juices.**


We realized that it’s been two years this week since we first met each other on a blind date (thanks susie and gena!)  and life together is pretty cherry.


  1. I love it! Delicious! Also, I love your use of punsterism... Can't wait to see you tonight!

  2. eeshk I just love you! I could read your blog all day. Great post!

  3. holy truck! so awesome! and oh my cherries. i lvoe them. i love you and i miss you! cant wait to see you in 2 weeks love!

  4. Thanks ladies :)
    And Alana, I can't wait to see you either! It will be so nice to be so much closer to everyone. Please come visit us in Dinosour country ;)
