Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Our Wedding Day!!!

Jordan and I got married in the St. George temple exactly six months ago today!
I haven't had the opportunity to blog about it yet, so what better time than now?!

Our wedding day was one of the most important days of our lives.

It was a terrific chapter in our story about how

a boy...

and a girl...

who met on a blind date...

had all sorts of fun together...

fell in love over a short summer...

and found a way to be together forever by getting married in the temple.

It was a truly magnificent fairy tale of a day...

First, we got sealed for time and all eternity in the St. George temple. We were able to be sealed in the same room where every generation of Jordan's family has been sealed since it was built. That beautiful event is something I will never forget, as it blesses me everyday and will continue to throughout the eternities. It was truly a sacred event.

Then, we were welcomed outside by the bright sun and bright faces of our guests as husband and wife for the first time...
We were pretty excited about it ;) ....
We were then guided around the temple for a quick photo session with our happy guests...

As always, Jordan was such a gentleman...even while handeling my 18+ layer dress...
I just love that dress and all of the other lovely details that went along with the day....

Our wonderful family and friends could barely fit on the stairs....

We're so glad so many were in favor of our matrimony... ;)
Jordan and I love kids, and we got to see the cutest ones that day...

Jordan's side of the family...he does have 76 cousins on one side, you know!

Jordan's immediate family....(Taylor and Bryce weren't able to come as Taylor was serving our country in Afghanistan and Bryce was serving his mission in California. As of last week, Taylor is now safely home!)
Some of the guests from my side... I was so grateful to see family and friends travel so far for the event...

They are perfectly crazy, and I love them!

My immediate family...

Our wonderful parents...

I am so grateful for the event that took place just six months ago. It's hard to imagine that it has been six months. In some ways it seems like just yesterday. While in others, it seems like 6 months, two continents, a different language and a whole hemisphere away! However you look at it, I am so happy to be sealed to my eternal companion and lifelong partner in adventure. We have been able to see a lot of amazing things so far, and I can't imagine what sort of adventures will unfold for us in the future. I do know that wherever we are and whatever we are doing, the Lord has and will continue to bless us. After all, what better blessing could one have than being in love and having an eternal family?

I can't think of a single one.


  1. love this post!!! Finally I might add. Well we miss you guys but are all sorts of excited for the fun things you're experiencing.

  2. Ohhh...such a nice post! These are very special memories for your Mom and Dad too. We miss you so very much and wish you continued joy and happiness!Love to you both! xoxo Mom and Dad A.
